معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Some microbiological and physiological aspects in patients with burn

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

لمى جاسم حمود وتوت

Citation Information

لمى,جاسم,حمود,وتوت ,Some microbiological and physiological aspects in patients with burn , Time 17/10/2016 08:39:06 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

A prospective study was undertaken to determine some aspects of microbiological and hematological studies occurring in general burn patients , the study included 40 individuals 30 patients and 10 control at the period from 15-1-2013 to 15-5-2013 in burn units of al-Hilla general teaching hospital the microbiologic results show (pseudomonas 46.6% ,Staphylococcus 23,3%,E coli 13.3% and klebsilla 16.6% in wound swap while the hematological results show increased in WBC count in patients compare with control and decreased in PCV compared with control

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

ISSN: 2073-8854 & Online ISSN: 2311-6544 Print
Magazin of Al-Kufa University for Biology / VOL.6/ NO.1/ Year : 2014
URL: http://www.kufabiojournal.org/

Some microbiological and physiological aspects in patients with burn

Liqaa Oday Ali Al-Quraishi
Luma Jassim WitWit

University of Babylon
Correspondence should be sent to: Liqaa Oday Ali Al-Quraishi
Email : Liqaa Oday@yahoo.com


A prospective study was undertaken to determine some aspects of microbiological and hematological studies occurring in general burn patients , the study included 40 individuals 30 patients and 10 control at the period from 15-1-2013 to 15-5-2013 in burn units of al-Hilla general teaching hospital the microbiologic results show (pseudomonas 46.6% ,Staphylococcus 23,3%,E coli 13.3% and klebsilla 16.6% in wound swap while the hematological results show increased in WBC count in patients compare with control and decreased in PCV compared with control

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