معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

The Effect of Quenching in Polymer and Addition of 0.1% Zr on Properties of Al-5.6% Zn-2.5%Mg-1.6%Cu Alloy

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

كاظم فنطيل عبد الحسين السلطاني

Citation Information

كاظم,فنطيل,عبد,الحسين,السلطاني ,The Effect of Quenching in Polymer and Addition of 0.1% Zr on Properties of Al-5.6% Zn-2.5%Mg-1.6%Cu Alloy , Time 24/11/2016 09:57:57 : كلية الهندسة

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

quenching polymer, alloys, mechanical properties, Corrosion

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Abstract. The Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys are primarily used in the aerospace industry as
structural components. This study aim to improve properties of Al-5.6% Zn-2.5%Mg-1.6%Cu such
as impact toughness, thermal stability and corrosion resistance by using quenching in 30%
polyethylene glycol and addition 0.1%Zr to this alloy. Results showed that the addition 0.1% Zr to
base alloy improve impact toughness by (40%) when quenching in water, and by (60 %) when
quenching in 30%PAG corresponding to the base alloy when aging at 150 ?C. Also results showed
that the thermal stability improved when we addition 0.1% Zr by (20%). An improvement of
corrosion resistance when addition 0.1% Zr (B alloy) by (326 %), at aging time 150?C in
comparison to the base alloy.

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