عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
An intelligent Logo for Video Copyright Protection
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
ماجد جبار جواد الفنهراوي
Citation Information
ماجد,جبار,جواد,الفنهراوي ,An intelligent Logo for Video Copyright Protection , Time 03/12/2016 09:57:54 : كلية العلوم للبنات
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
related to Video Copyright Protection
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
As a digital broadcasting technology progresses, the technology to protect digital products data (video, video clips, songs, etc.) from unauthorized users also needs to be enhanced. Because the data is in digital format, it can be copied, modified, deleted, etc., without proper without a proper authentication and authorization from the original owner of that data. Therefore, the digital broadcasting technology faces a number of challenges including copyright protection, data authentication, and data source tracing. These issues are obstacles and will restrict further usage of digital broadcasting technology. Some solutions are presented to overcome the above challenges. One of these solutions is done by adding a digital Logo (Visible Watermark) to the digital product. This logo is used as a tool for proving the ownership of the original owner of the digital product. This solution is not enough, since anybody can replace this Logo by a fake Logo and consequently, the original owner of that product can t prove his claim. This paper proposed a new watermarking algorithm by adding an intelligent Logo, which is a visible watermark, to the product. This Logo will distort the product if anyone replaces it with a fake Logo (the details of the algorithm are listed in the section of the paper). The proposed algorithm is applied in the digital video.
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