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اوفى حسن دخيل الطائي
Citation Information
اوفى,حسن,دخيل,الطائي ,CLOUD BASED E-GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM , Time 04/12/2016 20:35:41 : كلية التربية الاساسية
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
Building A Secure Storage System which can
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
ABSTRACT Storing the data in Cloud Servers is meant for accessing the services over the internet. The primary key factor of depending on the cloud is to sustain the confidentiality of the data and to stop the unauthorized accessing. Cloud Servers gives ease accessing, robustness and portability to the data. Even though so many encrypting algorithms were made to secure the data but they are of limited functionality. In previous systems the data resides on the same machines of the servers which reduce its portability of transferring of the data over the machines. Building A Secure Storage System which can enhance the e-governance and the data management in the servers. We propose a system which can integrates the encrypting, managing and alerting the user for each action performed and justifying the authorization.
KEYWORDS: E-Government, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, Cloud Management Systems.
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