معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Human malignancy associated with Y chromosome: Genotypes and haplotypes associated with susceptibility to Colorectal Cancer patients

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

امال راقب شمران عبد الخفاجي

Citation Information

امال,راقب,شمران,عبد,الخفاجي ,Human malignancy associated with Y chromosome: Genotypes and haplotypes associated with susceptibility to Colorectal Cancer patients , Time 14/12/2016 09:09:25 : كلية العلوم للبنات

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Human malignancy associated with Y chromosome: Genotypes and haplotypes associated with susceptibility to Colorectal Cancer patients

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductases (MTHFR) considered as a critical character in digestion system of folate
furthermore collaborate with union of nucleic corrosive, repair arrangement of DNA and methylation. Our revision
was meant to reveal essence concerning polymorphism in MTHFR gene in addition to the CRC danger. The study
populace included 77 disease male patients with CRC (mean of age in years 64±8.7) separated as; (41 with colon
malignancy and 36 with rectal growth) and 55 as controls admitted to the Merjan Healing center in span stretched
out from October 2015 until March 2016. The outcomes uncovered that hereditary polymorphisms of all qualities
incorporating into this study for MTHFR 677 quality in CRC patients; the recurrence of MTHFR C677 genotypes
were as kindred TT 12.0 (15.6%), CT 24.0 (31.2%), and CC 41.0 (53.2%) in CRC, and in the control was 19.0
(34.5%), 14.0 (25.5%), and 22.0 (40.0%) individually. Amalgamation frequencies for MTHFR 677 TT homozygous
and CT 677 heterozygous watched were 31.2% in CRC and 47.3% in the controls. The Genotype dissemination for
MTHFR 1298 quality in CRC patients; the recurrence of MTHFR C677 genotypes were as kindred CC 9.0 (11.7%),
CA 21.0 (27.3%), and AA 47.0 (61%) in CRC, while in the control was as individual 8.0 (14.5%), 21.0 (38.2%), and
26.0 (47.3%) separately. The recurrence for MTHFR 1298 quality AA homozygous and AC 1298 heterozygous
watched was 74.7% in CRC and 66.4% in the controls. Spreading of genotype for XRCC1 399 quality in CRC
patients; the Genotype conveyance for this quality in CRC patients; the recurrence of XRCC1 399 genotypes were
as kindred TT 28.0 (36.4%), TG 13.0 (16.9%), and GG 36.0 (46.8%) in CRC, while in the control was as individual
27.0 (49.1%), 6.0 (10.9%), and 22.0 (40%) separately. The recurrence for XRCC1 399 quality TT homozygous and
TG 399 heterozygous watched were 44.87% in CRC and 45.45% in the controls. MTHFR; XRCC1 SNPs is
connected with expanded CRC hazard.

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