معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Molecular diagnosis of avian respiratory diseases in broiler chicken flocks in Najaf, Iraq

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

علاء هاني حسن الجراخ

Citation Information

علاء,هاني,حسن,الجراخ ,Molecular diagnosis of avian respiratory diseases in broiler chicken flocks in Najaf, Iraq , Time 5/17/2011 10:46:18 PM : كلية الطب

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

التشخيص الجزيئي لمسببات انفلونزا الطيور في مدينة النجف، العراق

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Molecular diagnosis of avian respiratory diseases in commercial broiler chicken flocks in province of Najaf, IraqAli M. Al-Mohana, Haider. M. Kadhim, Alaa H. Al-Charrakh, Zainab Al- Habubi, Fadhil H. Nasir, Samer A. Al-Hilali, Zainab J. Hadi

Viruses and bacteria cause respiratory diseases or interact to cause disease. Bird flu is an A type virus with multiple subtypes, these being defined by combinations of two proteins. These two proteins (HA and NA) are exist on the surface of the virus. The HA protein has 16 different subtypes while the NA has nine subtypes. The combination formed by one HA and one NA protein is used to name the virus subtype. Bird flu is known as H5N1 virus, being a combination of HA 5 and NA 1 proteins. There are also H7 and H9 types of bird flu. Avian Influenza viruses are also classified by their level of pathogenicity, or virulence. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has a high mortality rate in poultry; capable of killing between 90 and 100 percent of infected chickens. Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) causes less severe symptom.  

Avian influenza virus subtype 9 and Newcastle virus have been recognized as the most important pathogens in poultry. In Najaf governorate, Iraq, many chickens flocks suffered from high mortality (about 30-70%) with respiratory signs. In this study, trachea swabs and tissue specimens from 53 commercial broiler chicken flocks suffering from respiratory diseases were tested initially by rapid test for antigen influenza type A and by reverse transcription PCR for avian flu virus type A, H5, H7, H9, and Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The reverse transcription PCR results showed that 75% of these flocks were infected with both avian flu virus type H9 and NDV whereas 25% of them were infected only by H9. On the other hand all flocks were negative for subtypes H5, H7. Despite the use of NDV vaccine, Its common to find ND infection in vaccinated broiler flocks especially after exposure of the fields to infection with H9 virus which expressed to co-infection with NDV.

This study recommended that the vaccination against ND should not be hold until the titer of these viruses detected by HI (hemagglutination inhibition) or ELISA test, in the field, be decreased. Our data showed that above mentioned respiratory pathogens were the most important agents of respiratory diseases giving high mortality in broiler chicken in the area of the study.

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