Academic Metadata Mirror Datasets

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The following Dataset lists the content of our E-Learning repository available at:

  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size34027
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تباين تأثير نظيرين للبروستكلاندين في احداث تزامن الشيق والحمل وتحلل


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size3880448
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تحضير مركبات اروماتية جديدة متعددة المجاميع الهيدروكسيلية للبنزين وبعض مشتقاته


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size365108
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تنقيــة جزئية وتوصـيف انزيـم البروتيـز المستخلص من بذور نبات الفاصوليا المنبتة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size332800
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسـة بعض الخواص الريـولوجية والميكانيكية للمواد المتراكبة البولي أستر غير المشبع - نشارة الخشب باستخدام تقنية الموجات


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size3031552
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسه صفات الصبغين الجنسي Sex Chromatin وعلاقتها بالاداء الانتاجي


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition18, Size82432
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: عزل وتشخيص البكتريا المقاومة للفينول من تربة الحدائق


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size1266176
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Circular Columns With Steel Fiber Inclusion Under Cyclic Bending


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size10629632
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Calculation of Phase Diagram of Hafnium-Tantalum System by using The Theoretical Method


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size3590144
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Computing the Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes at 7 or 28 days by Using a Multi Forms Program


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size2403328
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design and Implementation of Forward Link Channel CDMA2000 1x System Based on SDR Using FPGA


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size5258240
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Burning on Load Carrying Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:bchc, Edition:edition10, Size147512
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: شعر الاسعر الجعفي جمع ودراسة في مقصورته


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size394752
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Estimation of an EEG highest predictive channel for mental tasks (2)


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size397824
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Estimation of an EEG Highest Predictive Channel for Mental Tasks


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size3155968
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Evaluation of Reliability for Sulaimania Distribution Network


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size365568
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Feedforward Linearization of a Power Amplifier for Wireless Communication Systems


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size327680
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Flood Frequency Analysis for Greater ZAB River


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size615424
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Improve Permeability Prediction for One of Iraqi Carbonate Oil Reservoir


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size289280
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Influence of Mineral Filler Asphalt Ratio on Asphalt Mixture Performance


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size4208640
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Magnetohydrodynamics Opposing Mixed Convection in Two Sided Lid Driven Differentially Heated Parallelogrammic Cavity


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size849408
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Multi model Production and Assembly Line Balancing Caravans Production Workshop


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size485888
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: OFDM System with Variable Length CP


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size143872
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Optimum Design of Land Forming


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size97280
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Performance Analysis of Laser Diode Single-End-Pumped Solid State Laser


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size1021440
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Prediction of Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams Suitable for Iraqi Conditions


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size972800
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Preparation and Properties of Epoxy Adhesives Blends


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size100352
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study of Some Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Filled with the Seed Shells of Sunflower and Water Melon


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size258560
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Effect of FillerAsphalt Ratio on Voids in Mineral Aggregate and Asphalt Film Thickness in Hot Mix Asphalt


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size2432512
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير إضافة مسحوق الألومينا على خواص مكبوسات الألمنيوم النيكل المنتجة بطريقة تكنولوجيا المساحيق


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size12946432
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير عناصر السبك البورون التيتانيوم والمعاملة الحرارية على خاصية الصلادة الدقيقة لسبيكة ألمنيوم نحاس مغنيسيو


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size442880
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تحسين المواصفات الميكانيكية لمزيج المطاط الطبيعي والمطاط المعاد بإستخدام النوفولاك


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size1038336
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: مقارنة الخواص الميكانيكية لسبيكة الالمنيوم 7075 المنتجة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition19, Size1962496
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: مقارنة السلوك الحراري لمواد التغليف الطبيعية والصناعية للجدران على حمل التبريد في بغداد


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size2762752
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: 3DVisualization GIS Vector Layer Using Texture Mapping


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size508416
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: 6مدى انتشار داء متلازمة الايض بين مرضى السكري النوع الثاني في مستشفى مرجان التعليمي التخصصي مـــحافـــظة بــابـــل


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size262387
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Correlation Between Interleukins 1 ?6 and Echocardiographic Results in Patients with Heart Failure


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size205312
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Detection and evaluation of hydrocarbon mixtures degrading bacteria isolated from desiel polluted soils


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size140208
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Detection of the perfect condition to produce the tannase from Aspergillus niger at different medium


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size2460160
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Electronic Structure of Cubic Aluminum Nitride


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size145408
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Hematological changes including the immune system in patients with visceral Leishmaniasis at Al-Muthanna Governorate


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size283136
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: High blood pressure and its relationship to the standards of the blood in sadr general hospital


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size585728
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Implementation of suggests GSMGPRS system in governmental service departments


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size286720
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Relationship between hs C reactive protein and some biochemical variables in Cardiovascular and Type 2 Diabetic Mellitis patients


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size1215070
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Structural and microhardness studies of


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size152576
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study of some virulence factors of some urepathogenic bacteria


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size508928
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Evaluation of the Possible Protective Effect of Honey on Acetoaminophen Induced Liver Damage in Mice


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size325120
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Use of 7 Blocking Sets in Galois Geometries


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size125440
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: استخلاص وتنقية البروتين المرتبط بالفايبرونكتين


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size707019
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: اعتماد التصادمات القريبة والبعيدة في حساب قدرة الايقاف للجسيمات المشحونة الثقيلة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size567808
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: التحري عن قدرة مستضد متعدد السكريد المحفظي المستخلص من بكتريا Enterococcus faecalis في حث الاستجابة المناعية الخلطية والخلوية


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size2333696
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: التصنيف العددي بالتحليل العنقودي


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size1892352
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير إزالة المبايض في موجات القلب الكهربائية Electrocardiogram لإناث الأرانب المحلية .


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size377660
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير التدخين في معالم المني والنطف لدى الأشخاص سوي النطف


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size1782109
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة أداء وواقع منظومات تحلية المياه في مدينة النجف الأشرف


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size107008
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة انتشار مرض الدراق في مدينة السماوة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size326656
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة مستويات عامل النمو المشابه لهرمون الانسولين 1 IGF I وعلاقته مع بعض المعايير في مرضى داء السكري غير المعتمد على الانسولين


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size1810944
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: كشف التغير الزمني لمحافظة الديوانية باستخدام طريقة طرح الصور Image DifferencingID للفترة من 2001 م الى 2006م


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition20, Size129536
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: نسبة البكتريا الموجبة والسالبة لصبغة كرام المسببة لتجرثم الدم عند الأطفال


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size643072
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Application of Water Quality Index for Evaluation of Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purpose in Dibdiba Aquifer Kerbala


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size401408
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Data Weighted Averaging DWA Technique with 1st order Noise shaping to Improve 6 bit Digital to Analog Convertor DAC P


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size6050816
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Burning by Fire Flame on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Models


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size577536
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Unbalance Voltage on the Operation and Performance of a Three Phase Distribution Transformers


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1559040
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Evaluate the Discharge Cofficient of Semi Circular Weir notch


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size393728
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Evaluation of Using Local Coarse Aggregate of Kerbala Quarries in Production of High Strength Concrete


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size13007360
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis for Behavior of R C Continuous Beams Strengthened by CFRP Laminates


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size3256832
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Experimental Investigation of Two Phase GAS Liquid Slug Flow Inclined Pipe


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1452544
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Gas Liquid Around A Straight Hydrofoil In Rectangular channel


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size788480
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Finite Difference Analysis of One Dimensional Consolidation of Homogeneous clay layer


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size13610852
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Forecasting by Box Jenkins ARIMA Models to Inflow of Haditha Dam


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size613376
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Improve the BER Performance of 64PSK 4 in 2 STBC using 8 4 exHamming Turbo Product Code


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1466880
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Internal Sulphate Attack On Self Compacting Concrete


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size2141184
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Investigation of Townsend Energy Factor and Drift Velocity for Air in Terms of L G and EP


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1927168
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Numerical Analysis of Non Prismatic Beam on Elastic Foundation under Generalized Loadings


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1949184
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Production Flow in Gas Cooker Assembly Line


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size507904
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Stabilization of Soft Soils Using Salts of Chloride


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size667136
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Analytical Study of Strengthening the Bottom Flange of Steel I Section Simply Supported Horizontally Curved Beams


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size3004416
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Effect of Air Reflection on Ground Penetrating Radar GPR Data


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1260032
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Wavelet based of Electrical Power Measurement


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size875520
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير نوع الملدن على خواص الخرسانة ذاتية الرص الطرية والمتصلبة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size301568
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تصميم اكساء الطرق الاسفلتية في العراق باستخدام طريقة الـ AASHTO وطريقة الـ MS 17 مع المقارنة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size1924096
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة أمكانية استخدام مادة سيليكات الصوديوم كمادة غروية رابطة بديلة للبولي فنيل أسيتيت في الأصباغ المائية المستحلبة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition21, Size726528
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة التلوث البيئي لتأثير المولدات الكهربائية على البيئة المحيطة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size267776
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Adsorption Study For Removal Of Rhodamine 6G From Aqueous Solutions By Using Iraqi Attapulgite And Flint Clays


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size2464256
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Applications Of Gis Software In Irrigation Project Management


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size456704
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Calculations Of Refractive Index For MBBA Liquid Crystal Material At Different Temperatures


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size823808
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Denoising An Image Based On Particle Swarm Optimization PSO Algorithm


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size387072
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Deriving And Calculation Of Point Spread Function For Array Of Obscured Circular Synthetic Apertures


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:bchc, Edition:edition10, Size89950
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: ظاهرة الخصاء خـــلال العصور القديمة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size805376
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design A Program To Control The Room Temperature By Use Fuzzy Logic Theory


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size206336
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Diabetes Mellitus Patients Are More Prone To Planter Warts


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size582656
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Electron Transport In DBA System Of Multiple Bridges


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size480256
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Investigation Of The Electronic Structure For Rhenium Oxide Tetra Chloride By B3lyp Density Functional Theory


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size225280
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Object Motion Simulation According To Physical Equations In One Dimension


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size86016
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Oxidative Stress In Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency In Children


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size1029120
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Spectrophotometric Determination Of Mn V?? By Using Pyrazolon Azo As An Analytical Reagent


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size2128384
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study Of The Electrical Properties For Cr 4YAG Crystal In A Passively Q Switched Mode Locked QML NdGdvo4 Laser At 912 Nm


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size152064
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study The Ability Of Using Sesame Oil As An Adjuvant


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size282112
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study The Biological Activity of Caffeine Salicylate With Theoretical Investigations


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size168960
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study The Cellular Humoral Immune Response


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition22, Size657408
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Study The Effect Of Sulfur Atoms On The Electronic Structure For The Gallium


First ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50  ... Last 

Open data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. The goals of the open data movement are similar to those of other "open" movements such as open source, open hardware, open content, and open access. The philosophy behind open data has been long established (for example in the Mertonian tradition of science), but the term "open data" itself is recent, gaining popularity with the rise of the Internet and World Wide Web and, especially, with the launch of open-data government initiatives

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