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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  رجاء علي محسن الطائي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 5 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب حمورابي

Special Stains: Important & Application  1038 Views
The term special stains traditionally referred to any staining other than an H&E. It covers a wide variety of methods that may be used to visualize particular tissue structures, elements, or even microorganisms not identified by H&E staining. Though molecular techniques have become increasingly important in this sophisticated approach to diagnosis, pathologists and histotechnologists still require an extensive arsenal of diagnostic tools so that they can provide a complete picture of a patient’s disease. Certainly, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry will continue to play a key role, as will special staining techniques. Special stains (histochemical methods) are used to help visualize and/or identify structures and substances in sections. Special stains have two broad areas of application: research and diagnostic. In research, special stains are used as probes to identify certain chemical constituents in normal and abnormal cells. The information so obtained is used as a basis for further study and also as a baseline against which the results of special staining can be compared in diagnostic applications.Special stains belong to a diverse family of slide-based stains that rely on basic chemical reactions for microscopic visualization and general identification of various tissues, structures, cells, organelles, carbohydrates, minerals and microorganisms. Introduced to all college biology students through the simple bacterial test known as the Gram stain, special stains use both science and art to provide valuable and cost-effective information for the pathology laboratory.
Lectins and their Application in histology  391 Views
Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins present in most of the plants and in some animals
impact of vitamin d receptor gene poiymorphisms on the susceptibilityof tuber culosis among iraqi patients  483 Views
Tuberculosis (TB)is one of the most important public health issueswith an estimated 9.6 million new casesand 1.5 million deaths in 2014. Even with multiple virulent factor possessed by the causative bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, only 5-10% of the infected individuals develop the active disease1
The aim of the study was to determine the protective role of Foeniculumvulgare against the renal toxicity induced
Study of Histological and Histochemical Changes of Primary Visual Cerebral Cortex with Aging Process  649 Views
This study aimed : to study age-dependent histological and ultrastructural (glycoconjugates) changes in the primary visual cerebral cortex with light and fluorescence microscopy by using routine and five lectin stains to illustrate the patterns of glycoconjugates materials during aging

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