تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  امير حمدي حكيم العميدي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 7 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب الاسنان

Evaluation effect of an in-office zoom bleaching gel agent on the surface texture of three contemporary restorative materials  1583 Views
Evaluation effect of an in-office zoom bleaching gel agent on the surface texture of three contemporary restorative materials
Evaluation Traumatic Fracture of Anterior Permanents Teeth within Age 8-11 Years Old in Boys and Girls.  2118 Views
Clinical data of involve 554 healthy children, with traumatized permanent anterior teeth fracture in this children who were treated in to Hilla Specific Dental Clinic during school timeEvaluation Traumatic Fracture of Anterior Permanents Teeth within Age 8-11 Years Old in Boys and Girls.
Evaluation the effects of using Miswak tooth stick and dental tooth past on teeth of Handicaps children. (In vivo study)  2070 Views
In this study we use the best, soft and new type of siwak is that which comes from the araak tree in cleaning the child handicap teeth by there family at home after training them how to use the siwaEvaluation the effects of using Miswak tooth stick and dental tooth past on teeth of Handicaps children. (In vivo study)
Evaluation of Dental Caries and Diagnosis types in Mixdention: (In Vivo Study)  3037 Views
Dental cares is epidemic modern disease, patients in mix-dention stage age (6-11) years old and this cause difficulty to continue their normal life, eating, social behavior and the higher cost in there treatment
Evaluation the Effect of In-Office Bleaching on Color Changes on Restorative Composite Resins  2134 Views
This study evaluated the vitro performance of the effect of in-office bleaching (Zoom gel material) on the color changes of the one hundred twenty discs specimens
Effect of Aqueous Suspensions of Titanium Dioxide in Photoreactor with Radiation Source on Color Changes of Three Contemporary Composite Resins  3576 Views
The study performed to assess the effect of titanium dioxide using (Photoreactor) with the source of radiation on the color change of the three contemporary dental fillings by composite resin material.
Effect of Different Bleaching Materials On Color of Stained Resin Composite By Photocatalytic Treatment  2963 Views
In this work, ZnO, and TiO2 (Hombikat UV 100) and TiO2 doped with 0.5 % of Pt, and Pd metals, that prepared by photo deposition method.

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