عدد المقالات والبحوث
12 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة
كلية الهندسة
Numerical study of full-scale CFRP strengthened open-section steel columns under transverse impact 223 Views
Kadhim, M.M., Wu, Z. and Cunningham, L.S., 2019. Numerical study of full-scale CFRP strengthened open-section steel columns under transverse impact. Thin-Walled Structures, 140, pp.99-113.
Experimental and numerical investigation of CFRP strengthened steel beams under impact load 233 Views
Kadhim, M.M., Wu, Z. and Cunningham, L.S., 2019. Experimental and numerical investigation of CFRP-strengthened steel beams under impact load. Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(4), p.04019004.
Loading rate effects on CFRP strengthened steel square hollow sections under lateral impact 217 Views
Kadhim, M.M., Wu, Z. and Cunningham, L.S., 2018. Loading rate effects on CFRP strengthened steel square hollow sections under lateral impact. Engineering Structures, 171, pp.874-882.
Experimental study of CFRP strengthened steel columns subject to lateral impact loads 225 Views
Kadhim, M.M., Wu, Z. and Cunningham, L.S., 2018. Experimental study of CFRP strengthened steel columns subject to lateral impact loads. Composite Structures, 185, pp.94-104.
Experimental study of CFRP strengthened steel columns subject to lateral impact loads 221 Views
In both building and civil engineering structures, the occurrence of impact loading to column elements can be a significant issue, particularly in regard to disproportionate collapse
FE modelling of CFRP strengthened steel members under impact loads 1187 Views
impact; steelwork; carbon fibre reinforced polymer
Finite element, RC beam, Impact load, CFRP, Strengthening
Effects of loading rate on the behaviour of CFRP strengthened steel members 1313 Views
This paper is aimed at investigating the main differences between the responses of CFRP strengthened steel columns subject to various different loading rates.
Strengthening of Full Scale RC One-Way Slab With Cutouts 1262 Views
In this study the nonlinear finite element method used to analysis full-scale reinforced concrete slab with opening strengthening with overlay concrete or CFRP sheets.
Effect of CFRP plate length strengthening continuous steel beam 3174 Views
Journal of Construction and Building Materials
Effect of prestressed CFRP plate location on behavior of RC beam strengthened with prestressed CFRP plate 2619 Views
under publishing in journal of Babylon University
Effect of CFRP Sheet Length on the Behavior of HSC Continuous Beam 2496 Views
Published in Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials May 9,
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