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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  احمد عبد الكاظم حمد الركابي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 6 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية الهندسة

Estimation of Two-Dimensional Correction Factors for Min-Sum Decoding of Regular LDPC Code  947 Views
Channel coding
Performance Enhancement of SOVA Based Decoder in SCCC and PCCC Schemes  959 Views
channel coding
Performance Comparisons of Improved Regular Repeat Accumulate (RA) and Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) Turbo Decoding  940 Views
Digital communications
Modified Suboptimal Iterative Decoding for Regular Repeat- Accumulate Coded Signals  957 Views
digital communications
ُDigital communications
Improved Distance Spectrum of Asymmetric Turbo Codes  911 Views
In this work, the performance of a class of asymmetric turbo codes, which are composed of mixed types of non-identical, recursive systematic convolutional codes has been investigated

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