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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  ندى سعد ناجي لطائي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 6 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية التربية الاساسية

Changes in Sperm Parameters of Adult Male Rabbits by Phenol Extract of Lepidium Sativum Seeds  842 Views
This research included the impact of phenol extract of Lepidium sativum seeds in sperm parameters of adult male rabbit.
The Effect of Corn Oil in Sperm Parameters and Levels of SomeHormone, Elements, and Biochemical Parameters in Serum ofWhite Male Rabbits  774 Views
Corn oil is a pale-yellow drying or semidrying edible oil extracted from the germ of corn and used for cooking and salad preparation. Corn oil is finding wide application at home, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and other food industries.
The Effect of Corn Oil in Sperm Parameters and Levels of Some Hormone, Elements, and Biochemical Parameters in Serum of White Male Rabbits  1402 Views
Corn is the small hard seed of any of the cereal grasses used for food. Corn oil is edible and therefore is used in the preparation of food items.
Effect of Tocopherol Extraction of Lepidium Sativum Seeds in Sperm Parameters of White Male Rabbits  1866 Views
Our results reveal that due to tocopherol administration; male rabbits fertility increases, thus being useful to any animal, mammals as well as human being.
The Effect of Corn Oil in Sperm Parameters and Levels of Some Hormone, Elements, and Biochemical Parameters in Serum of White Male Rabbits  1658 Views
the addition of corn oil may improve semen quality of any animal, mammals as well as human being
The Effects of Tocopherol Extraction from Lepidium Sativum Seeds on the Histology of Testis, Epididymis, and Seminal Vesicles of Adult Male Rabbits  2094 Views
Lepidium sativum (family Brassicaceae) locally known as ‘garden cress’ has been used widely in different parts of the world for its wide therapeutic application

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