تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  نادية مضر سلمان مرزة
عدد المقالات والبحوث 13 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية الطب

study of the pattern of occurance of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy
The Impact of Serum Manganese, Molybdenum and Selenium Levels on Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia  1382 Views
relation of manganese, molybdenum & selenium to development of preeclampsia
Study the Association of Plasma Homocysteine, Retinol Binding Protein, Pre Albumin, and Albumin In Partial Hydatidiform Mole  1009 Views
Association of nutritional status with partial mole
The Prevalence of Anticardiolipin Antibodies in women with Bad Obstetric History  1035 Views
Antiphospholipid syndrome can be a cause for recurrent pregnancy loss
The Association of Serum Iron, Zinc, and Copper Levels with Preeclampsia  1078 Views
trace elements have a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia
A Comparative Study to Determine the Effect of Age & Parity on Vaginal Epithelial Cells Diameters  2170 Views
effect of age & parity on vaginal epithelial cell diameter
Folate Intake & the Percentage of Birth Defects in Babel Gynecology & Pediatrics Teaching Hospital  1581 Views
Folate Intake & the Percentage of Birth Defects in Babel Gynecology & Pediatrics Teaching Hospital
Postmenopausal bleeding : Clinicopathological Study In Babel province between the years 2000 -2009  2870 Views
postmenaupausal bleeding causes in Babel Province
The Effect of Maternal Anaemia on Cord Blood Haemoglobin & Newborn Birth Weight  1813 Views
effect of maternal anaemia on fetal Hb & newborn body weight
Antepartum Detection of Macrosomic Fetus:  5575 Views
ultrasound detection of fetal macrosomia
Maternal Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in Patients with Missed and Recurrent Miscarriage  3949 Views
Maternal TNF-alpha in patients with recurrrent & missed miscarriage
The Association of Serum Androgen Levels with Preeclampsia  5853 Views
serumandrogens in preeclampsia
Procalcitonin as a Mediator of Chronic Inflammation in Obese Women with PCOS  2625 Views
Procalcitonin as a Mediator of Chronic Inflammation in Obese Women with PCOS

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