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عدد المقالات والبحوث 11 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب الاسنان

Mobile Phones Contaminated with Bacteria among Workers in Dental Clinics  1173 Views
Mobile Phones Contaminated with Bacteria among Workers in Dental Clinics Mobile phone, Bacterial contamination, hand hygiene
The Antimicrobial Effect of Some Herbal Extract on Endodontic Infection  1029 Views
Herbal Extract, Ginger (Zingiber officianale), Green Tea, Endodontic infection. Evaluation the inhibitory effect of the extracts from of Ginger (Zingiber officianale) and Green Tea on bacteria isolated from endodontic canal
Effect of Zinc on Antibacterial Action of Bioactive Glass Coating for Dental Implant  1284 Views
Peri-implantitis is one of the causes of implant failure. Attempts have been done to coat dental implant with bioactive glasses to enhance osseo-integration and reduce microbial attachment. However, the anti-bacterial action of these coatings was limited to certain bacterial strains
The occurrence of alveolar bone resorption with oral bacterial infection  1334 Views
Address: Objective: to determine the prevalence of ABL with causative bacteria in relative to number of sites affected and gender in Babylon City. Materials and methods: 28 subjects aged between 40-55 years were attended to Oral diagnosis department at dentistry college Hospital/Babylon university from April to October 2016 with the purpose ofto evaluate the PPD and interproximal ALB was assess through intraoral digital radiography. Also, we isolate the causative bacteria by using bacteriological method with a biochemical tests fo
Immunological Parameters among Periodontitis Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Diabetes  1253 Views
Abstract Background: Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease causesinflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth and especially the periodontal membrane, It is the most frequent cause of tooth loss in the population mostly in adult p
Estimation of same immunological parameters among chronic periodontitis patients with cardiovascular disease  1279 Views
Background:Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the tooth supporting tissue the periodontium. It is the most frequent cause of adult population .Objective: To analyze the association of some immunological parameters among
Immunity of Outer Membrane Protein of Campylobacter jejuni in Rabbits  1530 Views
Two groups of rabbits were used, first group was with outer membrane protein (test group) and second with normal saline (control group). Specific antibodies titer were higher in test group than control group in both local and systemic and the ratio of local to systemic antibodies was (10:1)Phagocytosis was studied by using nitrobluetetrazolium dye reduction (NBT) on test group were (0.82,0.84,0.72) comparison with control was (0.7) in systemic respectively.Cell meiated immunity was evaluated by using (LIF). (LIF) was significant in test group and non significant in control group both local and systemic immunity.
عزل وتشخيص بكتريا Cambylobacter jejuni من حالات الإسهال في الأطفال  1786 Views
1( ستتنوات متتن - جمعتت 521 عينتتة بتتراز متتن أطفتتال ملإتتابين بالإستتهال تتتتراو) أعمتتارهم بتتين 5 مستشفى بابل للولادة والأطفال للمدة بين تشرين الثاني 2002 ولغاية اَيار 2050 . تم الحلإول على 52 عزلة بكتيريتة لبكتريتا C.jejuni أي بنستتبة 00 % باستتعمال طتري تين للعتزلى الأولتتى باستتخدام الوستن الانت تتا ي وسن سكيرو( والثانية باستخدام ورق الترشيح ذي ال طر 0.45?m .) أجري الفحوصات الكيموحيوية والفسيولوجية واختبار الحساسية للمضتادات الحيويتة وكانت النتتا متماثلتة لت 52 عزلتة بكتيريتةى حيتت كانت جميعهتا حساستة لحتامك النالدكستيي وم اومتة للستيفالوثين بنستبة .%500
Some microbiological and physiological aspects in patients with burn  1476 Views
A prospective study was undertaken to determine some aspects of microbiological and hematological studies occurring in general burn patients , the study included 40 individuals 30 patients and 10 control at the period from 15-1-2013 to 15-5-2013 in burn units of al-Hilla general teaching hospital the microbiologic results show (pseudomonas 46.6% ,Staphylococcus 23,3%,E coli 13.3% and klebsilla 16.6% in wound swap while the hematological results show increased in WBC count in patients compare with control and decreased in PCV compared with control
The Relationship between Periodontitis and Systemic rheumatoid arthritis  1434 Views
There is historical evidence of link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. This associationhas been studied in 50 patients with severe periodontitis and 20 normal subjects as controls whom aged between (20-80) years at the period from (5-2013)to(2-2014) in specialized center of dental health of Babylon
Bacteriological and immunological study was done on 150 patients with severe periodontitis at the period from 1- 10-2010 to 1-6-2011in (College of Dentistry).

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