تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  فائزة محمود شكر المشهداني
عدد المقالات والبحوث 5 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب حمورابي

Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images using K-means and EM Clustering Algorithm  447 Views
Segmentation of images holds an important position in the area of image processing.
Suggested Method to Solve Traffic Jams in Large Cities Using Artificial Neural Networks   477 Views
The Iraqi inter-urban traffic suffers from extremely bad congestion, particularly in the capital Baghdad (with a population of over 7millions) and other major cities
Family Health Follow-up Using: the Internet of Things (IoT)   444 Views
This project encourages families to set up and operate a specially designed, installed and operated by individual families in order to record important health parameters of their member
3D-Printing of Scaffolds for Various Human Parts Regeneration: Surveying the Latest Development   468 Views
(3D) printing has great potential for making synthetic bone graft substitute as well as various parts of the human body with much better results over the present methods
Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images using K-means  2299 Views
Segmentation of images holds an important position in the area of imageprocessing

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