تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  حسن علوان حسين سعيد
عدد المقالات والبحوث 59 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب حمورابي

وبائ اٌت تدخ نٌ السجائر ب نٌ طلاب جامعة بابل للعام الدراس 0222 0222  1133 Views
جر تٌ هذة الدراسة المقطع ةٌ ب نٌ طلاب المرحلة الاولى والرابعة لسبعة كل اٌت ف جامعة بابل للعام الدراس 0% وقد - .. 0222 0222 شارك 738 طالب وطالبة بالدراسة
تق مٌٌ تطب قٌ اسلوب حل المشكلات من قبل فر قٌ صح لحل مشكلة تدن الواقع الب ئٌ ف منطقة الملعب ف محافظة الانبار للعام 0222 م  1177 Views
م تطب قٌ اسلوب حل المشكلات الصح ةٌ من قبل الفر قٌ الصح ) DTPS ( لحل مشكلة تدن الواقع الب ئٌ ف منطقة الملعب محددة ف مركز الرمادي ه منطقة الملعب وقد تم تش كٌل فر قٌ عمل من ستة
الاجازات المرض ةٌ ف احدى المنشات الصناع ةٌ ف العراق  1421 Views
تم دراسة ع نٌة من العامل نٌ ف احدى المنشات الصناع ةٌ العراق ةٌ مقطع اٌ وكان حجم الع نٌة 8193 موظفا وظهر
المعرفة الب ئٌ ةٌ والموقف والممارسة لمقدم خدمات الرعا ةٌ الصح ةٌ الاول ةٌ ف العراق  1175 Views
جر تٌ هذة الدراسة المقطع ةٌ باستب اٌن 655 شخص من مقدم خدمات الرعا ةٌ الصح ةٌ الاول ةٌ ف احدى عشرة محافظة ف العراق وكانت نت جٌة استب
فوائد ومخاطر ملح الطعام  1300 Views
لملح الطعام الذي يحتوي على 40 % من معدن الصوديوم الضروري لجسم الأنسان ولعملياته الحيوية كعمل العضلات والجهاز العصبي وحفظ توازن السوائل بالجسم ولكن الكمية المطلوبة لا تتجاوز 500 ملغم يوميا
Epidemiological features of Road Traffic Injuries in Babylon province  1265 Views
Background: The burden of Road traffic accidents are increasing continuously in leading to high fatalities that rank Iraq as number four in the world.
Pulmonary functions of Workers enrolled in constructive  1062 Views
„HPFT can be used in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of occupational and non-occupational respiratory diseases and in the maintenance
Risk factors associated with Type 1Diabetes Mellitus among Children in Babylon   1070 Views
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic multifactorial disease, it is an increasing public health problem in developed and developing countries
Factors Associated with Neural Tube Defects of Neonates in Al-Najaf Government  1175 Views
Abstract Objective: To identify the association of neural tube defects with some possible risk factors in Iraqi neonates. Methodology: This is
Folate Intake & the Percentage of Birth Defects in Babel Gynecology & Pediatrics Teaching Hospital  824 Views
Back ground: Folic acid deficiency has been studied as one of the factors responsible for congenital birth defects.
Clinical Study on Cholera Patients in Babylon  1006 Views
We made a clinical study on 52 patients with acute diarrhea illness during the Epidemic of Cholera that was anticipated in the city of Hilla,
Smoking among Health Care Providers, Identification of Associated Factors  725 Views
Background: Smoking is an established risk factors for many diseases and is one of the most important public health problems
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Suicidal Behavior among Secondary School Students in Kut City  659 Views
Background: Adolescent suicidal behavior is a neglected public health issue especially in middle and low-income countries.
Correlates of Current Cigarette Smoking Among In-School Adolescents in Kut City  686 Views
Background : Cigarette smoking is a major ‘preventable’ cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Most adult
Concepts and values of transparency in the curriculum of Arabic language and Mathematics  633 Views
Corruption is the main risk that destroy communities in different aspects and stopping the national development and
Education is an essential determinan  475 Views
Education is an essential determinant of development in any country . the rate of Illiteracy and low education is unacceptable nowadays in Iraq , Babylon province population was
التحرش بين تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية من وجهة نظر المعلمين في محافظة بابل   511 Views
Perspectives of elementary school children about sexual violence among pupils in Babylon province 2014 Hasa
The five-star nurse  475 Views
Care-provider. Besides giving individual treatment “five-star ”must take into account the total
Assessment of Pulmonary functions for the Workers in Flour Mills in AL-Hilla City   598 Views
flour dust is a heterogeneous substance which causes many respiratory diseases and symptoms to the flour mills workers , this effect increase
تقويم تجربة الامتحانات التحريرية لتلامذة الصف الثالث الابتدائي في محافظة بابل  469 Views
تم إجراء بحث لتقويم تجربة تطبيق الامتحانات التحريرية في الصف الثالث
Factors Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Babylon , Iraq During The Year 2014  472 Views
Gestational diabetes has serious consequences on mothers and their children. Gestational diabetes is an increasing public health problem in developing countries including Iraq , the etiology of this health problem is not well understood .
Impact of School Bag on Pulmonary Functions among Elementary School Children in Al-Hilla City-Iraq  467 Views
Backpacks are used by school children to carry their materials. Heavy backpacks associated with several adverse effects on the health of children and may interfere with their school achievement. The objective
Depression among Parents of Children with Thalassemia in Babylon Province- Iraq During The Year 2014  450 Views
Thalassemia is not uncommon chronic disease in developing countries including Iraq it poses a heavy burden on the health care system as well as the tremendous pressure and psychological stresses that the parents suffer
Epidemiological Features of Child Labor in Babylon Province During The Year 2014  432 Views
Child labor is common social and health problem, One out of six children in the world today is involved in child labor which is
Audit on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice aboutthe Misuse of Antibiotics in Upper Respiratory  473 Views
خلفية البحث :التھاب المجاري التنفسية العليا مرض شائع الانتشار بين الأطفال .بالرغم من إن المسبب لھ ھو التھاب فايروسى لكن اغلب الآباء والأمھات يميلون لاستخدام المضادات
Lead and Cadmium In The Breast Milk of Lactating Mothers Living In Hilla City,  625 Views
Background In the last decades, the continued efforts of scientists to measure environmental pollutants in human milk is important for defining the true toxic contribution t of these chemicals to public health, human milk is considered to be one of the most important biota to be monitored
Factors Contributing to Child Begging in Hilla City- Babylon- Iraq during the Year 2011  531 Views
Abstract: Background: Beggary among children is a social problem which has not only psychological consequences such as inferiority complex in the beggars,
A Survey Of Blood Lead Levels In Various Types Of Male Workers In Hilla City, Iraq  451 Views
A Survey Of Blood Lead Levels In Various Types Of Male Workers In Hilla City, Iraq
Measles among Adolescents and Young Adults Hospitalized in Merjan Teaching Hospital-Babylon during the 2008-2009 Epidemic Hasan Alwan Baiee, MSc.  579 Views
Measles among Adolescents and Young
Epidemiological features of child labor in Babylon province during the year 2014  485 Views
Child labor is common social and health problem, One out of six children in the world today is involved in child labor which is dangerous
محاضرة عن وبائية الفساد في العراق  467 Views
The theme of this year’s observance is “Corruption: An impediment to the Sustainable Development Goals
عوامل خطر سرطان الثدي بين النساء  420 Views
سرطان الثدي هو أشيع أنواع السرطان بين فئة النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم، إذ يمثّل 16% من جميع السرطانات التي تصيب تلك الفئة
دور التدريسين الجامعيين في تحصين الطلبة   415 Views
أن الهاجس الأمني لم يعد مسؤولية رجال الأمن وحدهم وإنما أصبح الأمن قضية يجب أن تشارك فيها جميع
تثقيف الأقران و الأمن الفكري للطلبة – تجربة جامعة بابل- كلية التمريض 2016  448 Views
القرين هو ذلك الشخص الذي يشبهني ويشاركني في بعض الصفات مثل الفئة العمرية أو الطبقة الاجتماعية أو المستوى التعليمي أو غيرها فالأخ قرين لأخيه والصديق قرين لصديقه وهكذا
دور المدرسين في تحصين الطلبة   483 Views
أن الهاجس الأمني لم يعد مسؤولية رجال الأمن وحدهم وانما أصبح الأمن قضية يجب أن تشارك فيها جميع
المخاطر الصحية لارتفاع درجة حرارة الجو   458 Views
أسباب ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجو غير الطبيعية الاستغلال الجائر للبيئة والتصحر وقلة المياه والانفجار
الرضاعة الطبيعية مفتاح التنمية في المجتمع العراقي   421 Views
يُحتفل بالأسبوع العالمي للرضاعة الطبيعية في الفترة بين الأول والسابع من شهر آب/أغسطس في أكثر من 170 بلداً من أجل تشجيع الرضاعة الطبيعية
Association between carrying school bags and lung functions among elementary school children in Al Hilla City ,2015   436 Views
All over the world there is an outcry by children
Pulmonary functions of Workers enrolled in constructive, food and petrol industries in Karbala province, 2013  430 Views
PFT can be used in the primary, secondary, and tertiary
Maternal risk factors of type 1 diabetes mellitus among children in Babylon province,2015  418 Views
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic multifactorial disease
عوامل خطر الإصابة بمرض الهيضة في الوباء الذي حصل في محافظة بابل   466 Views
Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by the bacterium, vibrio cholera
لمحات من تاريخ الطب البابلي القديم  487 Views
شٌ رٌ الباحثون ف الأنثروبولوج اٌ وعلماء دراسة التار خٌ إلى: ان من لا ماض مشرق له لا مستقبل له , من هنا تأت أهم ةٌ فهم التار خٌ القد مٌ لمهنة ما
المشكلات التربوية والاجتماعية لطلبة التعليم  457 Views
تم دراسة ( 685 ) طالب وطالبة في ( 6 ) مدارس مهنية في المحافظة للفترة من
Measles among Adolescents and Young Adults Hospitalized in Merjan Teaching Hospital-Babylon during the 2008-2009 Epidemic  570 Views
Despite the launch of the national plan for measles elimination, in Iraq, immunization coverage remains suboptimal
التحديات التى تواجة محو الأومية في بابل  448 Views
معرفة القراءة والكتابة حق من حقوق الانسان كفلته كل دساتير العالم ومنها الدستور العراقي،التعلم يساوي حرية الانسان وهو أساس بناء شخصية المواطن المنتجة الواعدة التي ترتكز عليها التنمية
Factors Contributing to Child Begging in Hilla City- Babylon- Iraq during the Year 2011  592 Views
Background: Beggary among children is a social problem which has not only psychological consequences such as inferiority complex in the beggars
مفاهيم النزاهة وقيمها في اللغة العربية  491 Views
تُعد مشكلة تفشي الفساد بأشكاله المختلفة الخطر الأول الذي يهدد كيان الدول ولاسيما النامية منها التي تعاني من النزاعات المسلحة ومن عدم الاستقرار الامني والاقتصادي
Clinical Study on Cholera Patients in Babylon  484 Views
We made a clinical study on 52 patients with acute diarrhea illness during the Epidemic of Cholera that was anticipated
Correlates of Current Cigarette Smoking Among In-School Adolescents in Kut City  393 Views
Abstract Background : Cigarette smoking is a major ‘preventable’ cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Most adult smokers start smoking regularly some time before 18 years of age.
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Suicidal Behavior among Secondary School Students in Kut City  419 Views
Background: Adolescent suicidal behavior is a neglected public health issue especially in middle and low-income countries
Smoking among Health Care Providers, Identification of Associated Factors in Hilla City during the Year 2011  419 Views
Background: Smoking is an established risk factors for many diseases and is one of the most important public health problems worldwide
Application of District Team Problem Solving (DTPS) Approach in Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis in Iraq .  1603 Views
Application of District Team Problem Solving (DTPS) Approach in Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis in Iraq .
Correlates of Current Cigarette Smoking Among In-School Adolescents in Kut City  1656 Views
Correlates of Current Cigarette Smoking Among In-School Adolescents in Kut City
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Suicidal Behavior Among Secondary School Students in Kut City  1434 Views
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Suicidal Behavior Among Secondary School Students in Kut City
Lead and mercury in breast milk of lactating mothers in Babil province Iraq in the year 2000  1704 Views
Lead and mercury in breast milk of lactating mothers in Babil province Iraq in the year 2000
Antimicrobial Prescribing By Practicing Physicians in Hilla City   1143 Views
Antimicrobial Prescribing By Practicing Physicians in Hilla City
Low Back Pain Among Iraqi Male Workers Involved In Active Work in an Industrial Company  1094 Views
Low Back Pain Among Iraqi Male Workers
The Prevalence of Goitre Among Secondary School Female Students in Hilla city ,Iraq During the Year 2002  1502 Views
The Prevalence of Goitre Among Secondary School Female Students
Clinical Study on Cholera Patients in Babylon  1416 Views
Clinical Study on Cholera Patients in Babylon

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مجلة العلوم التطبيقية والصرفة
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